Thursday, October 1, 2009

Seven Days in the Art World: Interesting Shreds

  • "One of Asher's signature works consisted of removing the gallery wall that divided the office from the exhibition space, thereby focusing attention on the moneymaking business behind "priceless" art."
  • Since Asher doesn't give his works a title, he also doesn't give any description to his own work, calling for it from others.
  • "Intellectual breakdown is an essential component of CalArts pedagogy. or at least an expected part of the MFA student experience."
  • "The work you do as an artist is really play, but it's play in the most serious sense ... Like when a two-year-old discovers how to make a tower of blocks. It's no half-hearted thing. You are materializing--taking something from the inside and putting it out into the world so you can be relieved of it."
  • "In a UCLA crit class, a student wearing a dark suit and a red tie stood up in the front of the class, pulled a gun out of his pocket, loaded a silver bullet, spun the chamber, pointed the gun at his own head, cocked it, and pulled the trigger. The gun just clicked. The student fled from the room, and several gunshots were heard outside. When he returned to the classroom without the gun, his classmates were surprised to see him alive, and the crit staggered on with a tearful group discussion."

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